Friends of the East Brunswick Environmental Commission
Where Community Involvement and Environmentalism Intersect The Friends of the East Brunswick Environmental Commission is a New Jersey 501C3 not-for-profit organization dedicated to local environmental education and conservation.
Projects initiated by Friends EBEC have been recognized for excellence by the New Jersey Audubon Society, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, New Jersey Senate and General Assembly, Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, United States Environmental Protection Agency, New Jersey Association of Landscape Architects, Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions, the East Brunswick Department of Parks and Recreation, and Mayor and Township Council. Our projects have also received extensive coverage in local, state, national and even international media Our organization has an all-volunteer board of local residents whose diverse backgrounds and interests inspire educational and productive environmental projects in our community that everyone can participate in. Friends' events and membership are free and open to all, and volunteers are always welcome. FriendsEBEC partners with community and government organizations such as the East Brunswick Public Library and Sustainability Task Force to raise awareness about environmental issues and provide informative programs on topics of interest to township residents. Connect With Us: |
Celebrate National Moth Week, July 27 at Community Park
Join us for Moth Night at Community Park adjacent to Crystal Springs in celebration of the 13th Annual National Moth Week. Wear sturdy shoes, bring a flashlight and camera and help document these creatures of the night. National Moth Week is an international citizen science project founded by Friends EBEC in 2012. It has been celebrated by thousands of people of all ages in 120 nations on six continents! Visit to learn more. |
Energy Conservation Walter S. Martillo Jr., and Susanna Chiu of PSE&G recently presented an informative program on home energy efficency at the East Brunswick Library in our Option Green series. If you missed it, watch the video linked below to learn about free home energy assessments, rebates and discounts on home products like water heaters, as well as their residential EV charging program. |
Fall Freecycling Day is Saturday, Sept. 28 Gather up your usable castoffs. Fall Freecycling Day offers the opportunity to give unwanted items a second life instead of sending them to the landfill. Drop off items at the Community Arts Center 9 a.m. to 1 p.m and browse until 2. This year, certain items will be collected for repurposing. Read the updated information at the link below, and on the Freecycling page. Volunteers are needed that day. Sign up for a shift at the link below. |
Community GardenPlots at the East Brunswick Community Garden are available to all East Brunswick residents.
National Moth WeekNational Moth Week (NMW) celebrates the beauty, life cycles, and habitats of moths. NMW offers everyone, everywhere a unique opportunity to become a Citizen Scientist and contribute scientific data about moths.
FreecyclingTwice a year, EBEC hosts a recycling event where you can donate and recycle things you no longer need. The best part is, you can take away anything else someone left there, for FREE. No catch, we promise.
Salamander migration
Butterfly park Moth Nights Farmers Markets Interactive website for members Online guide to local butterflies Raptor survey Online guide to town parks |
Lectures and presentations
Beautiful East Brunswick photo contest Worm composters to EB schools Big tree completion Elm tree at Central school Boy Scout Eagle & Girl Scout Gold Award mentoring Online guide to local backyard birds Big day birding |